Portfolio / What is an MMC Architect? And Does Your Project Need One?

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What is an MMC Architect? And Does Your Project Need One?

Modern methods of construction (MMC) is slowly changing the industry.

New processes that are speeding up construction times, making builds more accurate and sustainable, and making errors easier to spot and less costly are leading many people to look to MMC when designed and constructing their new structure.

But MMC can be tricky to understand.

With insufficient understanding of MMC, the benefits that are to be expected may not be realised.

So how can you make sure that your project is using MMC in the right way?

Well, luckily there are MMC architects available, such as Studio Anyo, who can guide you through your project and beyond.

But what is an MMC advisor?

And does your business need one?

Let’s take a look.

What is an MMC Architect?

When a building is being constructed, there is a definitive model that is should follow.

This is the RIBA plan of work.

Reading through the document, you will see that all projects that intend to use MMC to help design and undertake their project, should consult an MMC advisor.

MMC advisor is a term that refers to a consultant who specializes in modern methods of construction. They provide expert guidance and support to clients who are interested in adopting MMC techniques for their construction projects.

MMC advisors may have expertise in a wide range of MMC techniques, including offsite construction, prefabrication, modular construction, and digital construction. They work with clients in the early stages of a project to help identify the most suitable MMC techniques for their needs, and may also provide advice on project planning, budgeting, and procurement.

Key Roles and Responsibilities of an MMC Architect

Some of the key roles and responsibilities of an MMC advisor include:

Researching a Project

When an MMC architect is given a project, the first thing they will do is assess how it can work with MMC. This means they will take into account project costs, health and safety issues, locations, and much more and analyse the best methods of construction for the job at hand. This is one of the reasons getting an MMC architect in early on in a job is paramount.

Providing Guidance and Advice on Project Planning

Once all aspects of a job have been assessed, an MMC architect will speak with the company undertaking the project and provide guidance on which forms of MMC will be best to use. They will also advise and forecast costs, time scales, and any issues that could occur during the project.

Identify Opportunities to Boost Efficiency

When it comes to providing advice, an MMC architect does more than just inform on which are the best methods to use for your project. A key part of the role is identifying any areas which can be optimised and streamlined by using MMC. There are often opportunities to use MMC to speed up a process, or to save costs, and a good MMC advisor will be able to spot this and inform you before you agree to anything that will do the opposite.

Develop Strategies for Risk Management and Quality Control

MMC is not just about speeding up processes and cutting costs. It is also about ensuring the best job is done. MMC is ideal for quality control, with the use of prefabricated materials and also digital methods of construction that can increase precision and accuracy. Your MMC architect will know the methods that can deliver your project in the best way, and will focus on reducing the chance of errors and ensuring everything is the most precise and safe that it can be.

Work with Project Teams to Oversee the Implementation of MMC Techniques

There are rarely just a few teams working on a big project. When there are multiple different companies working together, they often need someone to liaise with to ensure they are on track. An MMC architect consults all different teams during a project to ensure that the right methods are being used and that the MMC techniques are being implemented properly. They also work with all necessary teams to ensure the MMC techniques are being delivered on time and on budget.

When to Use an MMC Architect

As mentioned earlier in the blog, the best time to consult with an MMC advisor is at the beginning of a project. This allows the advisor plenty of time to discuss the MMC techniques they plan to use with all parties, including the construction teams and the stakeholders.

An MMC architect should work alongside your design team when planning a project, and often if the designers and architects have already devised a plan and come up with a process to implement it, it may be too late.

Benefits of Using an MMC Architect

There are many benefits to using an MMC architect, including:

  1. Expert Guidance – MMC advisors have specialised knowledge and expertise in this topic, which allows them to provide expert guidance and advice to clients throughout the construction process.
  2. Cost Savings – There are many techniques in MMC that can help to cut costs, and an MMC advisor should be able to highlight methods that can help to streamline the construction process, reduce waste, and more, which are always helpful for staying on budget.
  3. Improved Quality Control – By devising a plan and organising processes, an MMC advisor can ensure all the work being done is of the highest quality and staying on time and on budget.
  4. Faster Construction Times – MMC can help construction projects to finish much quicker than traditional site-built projects. An MMC advisor will help clients identify the most appropriate techniques for their needs and ensure the projects are always delivered on time.
  5. Enhanced Sustainability – MMC techniques are often more sustainable than traditional methods. They often help to reduce waste and minimise the environmental impact of construction projects.
  6. Improved Communication – MMC advisors can help facilitiate communications between all parties involved in a construction project, including architects, contractors, and clients, helping to ensure a smooth completion of a project.

MMC Architects at Studio Anyo

Overall, MMC architects play an important role in helping clients navigate the complex world of MMC and adopt innovative construction techniques that can lead to improved efficiency, cost savings, and sustainability.

If you would like an MMC architects for your project, then why not get in contact with Studio Anyo.

Our experienced advisors would love to discuss your project with you.

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