Our Approach

We support our clients in achieving their development ambitions and investment returns. The approach we take to our work can be summarised in these three phrases:

  1. Value creation
  2. Problem solving
  3. Innovation

We aim to deliver value creation through problem solving and innovation. The first stage is to ensure a project is viable, feasible and investable. We take a pragmatic view of any challenges and aim to generate creative solutions within project and planning constraints. We design buildings that are buildable within these constraint, while always considering the potential for MMC to enhance project delivery. Our design proposals are optimised to ensure a successful planning application. We do not over promising and under delivering. Using the latest technology help use to innovate.

We partner with companies where we feel their technology or approach can improve the potential viability of our clients projects. 

Sustainability has to be clearly defined and measured in all our projects including low carbon, zero carbon and carbon positive projects and projects that maximise reuse and recycling of site materials.